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Cochrane reviews about occupational safety and health
Status | Stage |
- Adapting shift work schedules for sleep quality, sleep duration, and sleepiness in shift workers
- Alcohol and drug screening of occupational drivers for preventing injury
- Behavioural interventions to promote workers' use of respiratory protective equipment
- Blunt versus sharp suture needles for preventing percutaneous exposure incidents in surgical staff
- Changes in occupational health and safety service arrangements for increasing the uptake of preventive services in small companies
- Closed-system drug-transfer devices plus safe handling of hazardous drugs versus safe handling alone for reducing exposure to infusional hazardous drugs in healthcare staff
- Cognitive rehabilitation for adults with traumatic brain injury to improve occupational outcomes
- Computer-based versus in-person interventions for preventing and reducing stress in workers
- Conservative interventions for treating work-related complaints of the arm, neck or shoulder in adults
- Devices for preventing percutaneous exposure injuries caused by needles in healthcare personnel
- Education and training for preventing and minimizing workplace aggression directed toward healthcare workers
- Education and training for preventing sharps injuries and splash exposures in healthcare workers
- Educational interventions for preventing lead poisoning in workers
- Effects of exposure to night shift work on cancer risk in workers
- Elimination, substitution, engineering, and administrative interventions to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in healthcare workers
- Ergonomic interventions for preventing musculoskeletal disorders in dental care practitioners
- Ergonomic interventions for preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limb and neck among office workers
- Ergonomic interventions for treating work-related complaints of the arm, neck or shoulder in adults
- Exercise training to improve exercise capacity and quality of life in people with non-malignant dust-related respiratory diseases
- Financial incentives for decreasing and preventing obesity in workers
- Gloves, extra gloves or special types of gloves for preventing percutaneous exposure injuries in healthcare personnel
- Health-improving interventions for obtaining employment in unemployed job seekers
- Hearing protection field attenuation estimation systems and associated training for reducing workers’ exposure to noise
- Human resource management training of supervisors for improving health and well-being of employees
- Humidification of indoor air for preventing or reducing dryness symptoms or upper respiratory infections in educational settings and at the workplace
- Individual-level interventions for reducing occupational stress in healthcare workers
- Interventions for improving employment outcomes for workers with HIV
- Interventions for improving recovery from work
- Interventions for obtaining and maintaining employment in adults with severe mental illness, a network meta-analysis
- Interventions for preventing the spread of infestation in close contacts of people with scabies
- Interventions for prevention of bullying in the workplace
- Interventions to improve return to work in depressed people
- Interventions to increase the reporting of occupational diseases by physicians
- Interventions to prevent injuries in construction workers
- Interventions to prevent occupational noise-induced hearing loss
- Interventions to support return to work for people with coronary heart disease
- Legal banning of asbestos for preventing asbestos exposure
- Non-medical interventions to enhance return to work for people with cancer
- Non-pharmacological interventions for preventing job loss in workers with inflammatory arthritis
- Optical correction of refractive error for preventing and treating eye symptoms in computer users
- Organisational interventions for improving wellbeing and reducing work-related stress in teachers
- Organisational interventions for preventing and minimising aggression directed towards healthcare workers by patients and patient advocates
- Organisational level interventions for reducing occupational stress in healthcare workers
- Person-directed, non-pharmacological interventions for sleepiness at work and sleep disturbances caused by shift work
- Personal protective equipment for preventing asbestos exposure in workers
- Personal protective equipment for preventing highly infectious diseases due to exposure to contaminated body fluids in healthcare staff
- Pharmacological interventions for sleepiness and sleep disturbances caused by shift work
- Pre-employment examinations for preventing injury, disease and sick leave in workers
- Prognostic factors for return to work following knee arthroplasty
- Prognostic factors for return to work in breast cancer survivors
- Return-to-work coordination programmes for improving return to work in workers on sick leave
- Self-certification versus physician certification of sick leave for reducing sickness absence and associated costs
- Vocational rehabilitation for enhancing return-to-work in workers with traumatic upper limb injuries
- Work-break schedules for preventing musculoskeletal symptoms and disorders in healthy workers
- Workplace interventions for increasing standing or walking for decreasing musculoskeletal symptoms in sedentary workers
- Workplace interventions for increasing standing or walking for preventing musculoskeletal symptoms in sedentary workers
- Workplace interventions for preventing job loss and other work related outcomes in workers with alcohol misuse
- Workplace interventions for reducing sitting at work
- Workplace interventions for treatment of occupational asthma
- Workplace interventions to prevent work disability in workers on sick leave
- Workplace interventions to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection outside of healthcare settings
- Workplace lighting for improving alertness and mood in daytime workers
- Workplace pedometer interventions for increasing physical activity
- Action with problem drinkers can cut risk of injury
- Advice on material handling techniques and using assistive devices to prevent and treat back pain in workers
- Advice to rest in bed versus advice to stay active for acute low-back pain and sciatica
- Alcohol ignition interlocks may stop repeat drink driving offences, but only as long as they are still fitted
- Antibiotics for reducing the rate of infection after bites by mammals such as humans
- Anticonvulsants for tinnitus
- Antidepressants for patients with tinnitus
- Antiretroviral post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for occupational HIV exposure
- Back schools for non-specific low-back pain
- Behavioral interventions to reduce HIV incidence and HIV/STI prevalence among female sex workers in low- and middle-income countries
- Behavioral interventions to reduce HIV transmission among sex workers and their clients in high-income countries
- Behavioural treatment for chronic low-back pain
- Caffeine for preventing injuries and errors in shift workers
- Can nicotine vaccines help people stop smoking or help stop recent quitters from relapsing?
- Can rewards help people quit smoking, and do they work in the long term?
- Cognitive behavioural therapy for tinnitus
- Do competitions help smokers to quit in the medium to long term?
- Does random drug and alcohol testing prevent injuries in workers?
- Educational interventions for preventing eye injuries
- Ergonomic positioning or equipment for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Exercise for Neck Pain
- Exercise for treatment of chronic low back pain
- Exercise therapy for treating acute non-specific low back pain
- Exercises for the prevention of recurrences of episodes of low-back pain
- Flexible working conditions and their effects on employee health and wellbeing
- Flu vaccination for healthcare workers who care for people aged 60 or older living in long-term care institutionsUpdated
- Ginkgo biloba for tinnitus
- Ginkgo biloba herbal supplement for tinnitus
- Graduated driver licensing for reducing motor vehicle crashes among young drivers
- Hearing aids for tinnitus in people with hearing loss
- Hepatitis B vaccine prevents hepatitis B infection in health-care workers
- Improving return to work in adults suffering from symptoms of distress
- Insoles for the prevention and treatment of back pain
- Interventions for preventing injuries in the agricultural industry
- Interventions for preventing or reducing respiratory tract infections and asthma symptoms in mould-damaged buildings
- Interventions for preventing voice disorders in adults
- Interventions for treating functional dysphonia in adults
- Interventions in the workplace to support breastfeeding for women in employment
- Is the workplace an effective setting for helping people to stop smoking
- Limited data supports use of urinary alkalinisation for the treatment of acute chlorophenoxy herbicide poisoning.
- Local corticosteroid injection is effective in the short-term for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome
- Lumbar supports for the prevention and treatment of low-back pain
- Multidisciplinary biopsychosocial rehabilitation for neck and shoulder pain among working age adults.
- Multidisciplinary rehabilitation for fibromyalgia and musculoskeletal pain in working age adults
- Multidisciplinary treatment at the early stages of low back pain
- Multidisciplinary treatment for back pain
- Oral steroids, splinting, ultrasound, yoga and wrist mobilisation provide short-term relief from carpal tunnel syndrome, but other non-surgical methods have not been shown to help.
- Physical conditioning as part of a return to work strategy to reduce sickness absence for workers with back pain
- Prevention of poor blood flow in the veins in a standing worker population
- Psychological debriefing for preventing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Psychologically mediated effects of the physical healthcare environment on work-related outcomes of healthcare personnel
- Psychosocial interventions in the emergency centre setting for preventing reinjury due to interpersonal violence
- Psychosocial interventions to prevent psychological problems in police officers
- Rehabilitation after surgery for herniation of the lumbar disc
- Rehabilitation following carpal tunnel release
- Sound therapy (masking) in the management of tinnitus in adults
- Splinting for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Strong evidence that advanced and remedial driver education does not reduce road traffic crashes or injuries
- Surgical treatment options for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Surgical versus non-surgical treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Therapeutic ultrasound for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) for tinnitus
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation for tinnitus
- Travel plans in organisations (schools, tertiary education institutions and workplaces) for improving health
- Treatments to prevent hand skin irritation in the workplace
- Use of antibiotics may or may not prevent leptospirosis
- Use of sodium bicarbonate to treat organophosphorus pesticide poisoning
- Vision screening of older drivers to prevent road traffic injuries and deaths
- Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) programs are used to support persons with multiple sclerosis ( MS) on their entering or returning to work
- Vocational rehabilitation for people with severe mental illness
- Workplace interventions can reduce risky sexual behaviours among workers.
- Zinc supplements for tinnitus
- Occupational health outcome (159)
- 1.1 Decreasing or eliminating harmful exposure to prevent occupational disease (25)
- 1.1.0 Physical agents (0)
- 1.1.1 Chemical agents (4)
- Closed-system drug-transfer devices plus safe handling of hazardous drugs versus safe handling alone for reducing exposure to infusional hazardous drugs in healthcare staff
- Educational interventions for preventing lead poisoning in workers
- Legal banning of asbestos for preventing asbestos exposure
- Personal protective equipment for preventing asbestos exposure in workers
- 1.1.2 Biological agents (11)
- Antiretroviral post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for occupational HIV exposure
- Behavioral interventions to reduce HIV incidence and HIV/STI prevalence among female sex workers in low- and middle-income countries
- Behavioral interventions to reduce HIV transmission among sex workers and their clients in high-income countries
- Devices for preventing percutaneous exposure injuries caused by needles in healthcare personnel
- Education and training for preventing sharps injuries and splash exposures in healthcare workers
- Elimination, substitution, engineering, and administrative interventions to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in healthcare workers
- Gloves, extra gloves or special types of gloves for preventing percutaneous exposure injuries in healthcare personnel
- Interventions for preventing or reducing respiratory tract infections and asthma symptoms in mould-damaged buildings
- Personal protective equipment for preventing highly infectious diseases due to exposure to contaminated body fluids in healthcare staff
- Blunt versus sharp suture needles for preventing percutaneous exposure incidents in surgical staff
- Workplace interventions to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection outside of healthcare settings
- 1.1.3 Circadian rhythm disruption (e.g. shiftwork) (4)
- Adapting shift work schedules for sleep quality, sleep duration, and sleepiness in shift workers
- Pharmacological interventions for sleepiness and sleep disturbances caused by shift work
- Effects of exposure to night shift work on cancer risk in workers
- Person-directed, non-pharmacological interventions for sleepiness at work and sleep disturbances caused by shift work
- 1.1.4 Stress (4)
- Interventions for prevention of bullying in the workplace
- Organisational level interventions for reducing occupational stress in healthcare workers
- Psychological debriefing for preventing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Individual-level interventions for reducing occupational stress in healthcare workers
- 1.1.5 Exposures affecting reproductive health (0)
- 1.1.6 Other agents or exposures (2)
- 1.2 Other preventive measures to prevent occupational disease (11)
- 1.2.0 Health examinations (2)
- 1.2.1 Screening (0)
- 1.2.2 Policy measures and legislation (1)
- 1.2.3 Other measures (8)
- Changes in occupational health and safety service arrangements for increasing the uptake of preventive services in small companies
- Computer-based versus in-person interventions for preventing and reducing stress in workers
- Ergonomic interventions for preventing musculoskeletal disorders in dental care practitioners
- Hepatitis B vaccine prevents hepatitis B infection in health-care workers
- Interventions for improving recovery from work
- Humidification of indoor air for preventing or reducing dryness symptoms or upper respiratory infections in educational settings and at the workplace
- Interventions for preventing the spread of infestation in close contacts of people with scabies
- Work-break schedules for preventing musculoskeletal symptoms and disorders in healthy workers
- 2. Management of occupational disease or symptoms (61)
- 2.1.0 Infectious and parasitic diseases (5)
- Antibiotics for reducing the rate of infection after bites by mammals such as humans
- Flu vaccination for healthcare workers who care for people aged 60 or older living in long-term care institutionsUpdated
- Hepatitis B vaccine prevents hepatitis B infection in health-care workers
- Interventions for preventing the spread of infestation in close contacts of people with scabies
- Use of antibiotics may or may not prevent leptospirosis
- 2.1.1 Malignant neoplasms and non-malignant diseases of the blood (0)
- 2.1.2 Mental and behavioural disorders (9)
- Adapting shift work schedules for sleep quality, sleep duration, and sleepiness in shift workers
- Computer-based versus in-person interventions for preventing and reducing stress in workers
- Pharmacological interventions for sleepiness and sleep disturbances caused by shift work
- Person-directed, non-pharmacological interventions for sleepiness at work and sleep disturbances caused by shift work
- Organisational level interventions for reducing occupational stress in healthcare workers
- Psychosocial interventions to prevent psychological problems in police officers
- Interventions to improve return to work in depressed people
- Organisational interventions for improving wellbeing and reducing work-related stress in teachers
- Workplace lighting for improving alertness and mood in daytime workers
- 2.1.3 Diseases of the nervous system (10)
- Ergonomic positioning or equipment for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Limited data supports use of urinary alkalinisation for the treatment of acute chlorophenoxy herbicide poisoning.
- Local corticosteroid injection is effective in the short-term for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome
- Oral steroids, splinting, ultrasound, yoga and wrist mobilisation provide short-term relief from carpal tunnel syndrome, but other non-surgical methods have not been shown to help.
- Rehabilitation following carpal tunnel release
- Splinting for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Surgical treatment options for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Surgical versus non-surgical treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Therapeutic ultrasound for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Use of sodium bicarbonate to treat organophosphorus pesticide poisoning
- 2.1.4 Diseases of the sensory system (13)
- Anticonvulsants for tinnitus
- Antidepressants for patients with tinnitus
- Cognitive behavioural therapy for tinnitus
- Hearing protection field attenuation estimation systems and associated training for reducing workers’ exposure to noise
- Optical correction of refractive error for preventing and treating eye symptoms in computer users
- Ginkgo biloba for tinnitus
- Ginkgo biloba herbal supplement for tinnitus
- Hearing aids for tinnitus in people with hearing loss
- Interventions to prevent occupational noise-induced hearing loss
- Sound therapy (masking) in the management of tinnitus in adults
- Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) for tinnitus
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation for tinnitus
- Zinc supplements for tinnitus
- 2.1.5 Diseases of the circulatory system (1)
- 2.1.6 Diseases of the respiratory system (6)
- Exercise training to improve exercise capacity and quality of life in people with non-malignant dust-related respiratory diseases
- Humidification of indoor air for preventing or reducing dryness symptoms or upper respiratory infections in educational settings and at the workplace
- Interventions for preventing voice disorders in adults
- Interventions for treating functional dysphonia in adults
- Behavioural interventions to promote workers' use of respiratory protective equipment
- Workplace interventions for treatment of occupational asthma
- 2.1.7 Diseases of the liver (0)
- 2.1.8 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (1)
- 2.1.9 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (16)
- Advice on material handling techniques and using assistive devices to prevent and treat back pain in workers
- Advice to rest in bed versus advice to stay active for acute low-back pain and sciatica
- Back schools for non-specific low-back pain
- Behavioural treatment for chronic low-back pain
- Ergonomic interventions for preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limb and neck among office workers
- Ergonomic interventions for treating work-related complaints of the arm, neck or shoulder in adults
- Ergonomic interventions for preventing musculoskeletal disorders in dental care practitioners
- Exercise for Neck Pain
- Exercise for treatment of chronic low back pain
- Exercise therapy for treating acute non-specific low back pain
- Exercises for the prevention of recurrences of episodes of low-back pain
- Conservative interventions for treating work-related complaints of the arm, neck or shoulder in adults
- Insoles for the prevention and treatment of back pain
- Lumbar supports for the prevention and treatment of low-back pain
- Workplace interventions for increasing standing or walking for decreasing musculoskeletal symptoms in sedentary workers
- Workplace interventions for increasing standing or walking for preventing musculoskeletal symptoms in sedentary workers
- 2.2.0 Diseases of the genitourinary system (0)
- 2.1.0 Infectious and parasitic diseases (5)
- 3. Affecting the onset or course of occupational disability (23)
- 3.0 Organisational measures (1)
- 3.1 Measures to rehabilitate workers or facilitate disabled workers to stay at work or return to work (22)
- Self-certification versus physician certification of sick leave for reducing sickness absence and associated costs
- Cognitive rehabilitation for adults with traumatic brain injury to improve occupational outcomes
- Return-to-work coordination programmes for improving return to work in workers on sick leave
- Health-improving interventions for obtaining employment in unemployed job seekers
- Interventions for obtaining and maintaining employment in adults with severe mental illness, a network meta-analysis
- Improving return to work in adults suffering from symptoms of distress
- Interventions for improving employment outcomes for workers with HIV
- Interventions to support return to work for people with coronary heart disease
- Multidisciplinary biopsychosocial rehabilitation for neck and shoulder pain among working age adults.
- Multidisciplinary rehabilitation for fibromyalgia and musculoskeletal pain in working age adults
- Multidisciplinary treatment at the early stages of low back pain
- Multidisciplinary treatment for back pain
- Non-pharmacological interventions for preventing job loss in workers with inflammatory arthritis
- Physical conditioning as part of a return to work strategy to reduce sickness absence for workers with back pain
- Rehabilitation after surgery for herniation of the lumbar disc
- Rehabilitation following carpal tunnel release
- Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) programs are used to support persons with multiple sclerosis ( MS) on their entering or returning to work
- Vocational rehabilitation for enhancing return-to-work in workers with traumatic upper limb injuries
- Vocational rehabilitation for people with severe mental illness
- Interventions to improve return to work in depressed people
- Non-medical interventions to enhance return to work for people with cancer
- Workplace interventions for preventing job loss and other work related outcomes in workers with alcohol misuse
- 4.1 Reducing occupational injuries by branch of industry (9)
- 4.1.0 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing (1)
- 4.1.1 Mining (0)
- 4.1.2 Construction (1)
- 4.1.3 Manufacturing (0)
- 4.1.4 Transportation, Communications, Energy and Sanitary Services (4)
- Alcohol and drug screening of occupational drivers for preventing injury
- Graduated driver licensing for reducing motor vehicle crashes among young drivers
- Strong evidence that advanced and remedial driver education does not reduce road traffic crashes or injuries
- Vision screening of older drivers to prevent road traffic injuries and deaths
- 4.1.5 Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (0)
- 4.1.6 Services (3)
- Education and training for preventing and minimizing workplace aggression directed toward healthcare workers
- Education and training for preventing sharps injuries and splash exposures in healthcare workers
- Organisational interventions for preventing and minimising aggression directed towards healthcare workers by patients and patient advocates
- 4.1.7 Public Administration (0)
- 4.2 Reducing occupational injuries by injury mechanism (11)
- 4.2.0 Falls (0)
- 4.2.1 Bodily reaction and exertion (0)
- 4.2.2 Exposure to harmful substances or environments (7)
- Action with problem drinkers can cut risk of injury
- Caffeine for preventing injuries and errors in shift workers
- Devices for preventing percutaneous exposure injuries caused by needles in healthcare personnel
- Education and training for preventing sharps injuries and splash exposures in healthcare workers
- Educational interventions for preventing eye injuries
- Gloves, extra gloves or special types of gloves for preventing percutaneous exposure injuries in healthcare personnel
- Blunt versus sharp suture needles for preventing percutaneous exposure incidents in surgical staff
- 4.2.3 Transportation (0)
- 4.2.4 Fires and explosions (0)
- 4.2.5 Assaults and other violent acts (3)
- Education and training for preventing and minimizing workplace aggression directed toward healthcare workers
- Organisational interventions for preventing and minimising aggression directed towards healthcare workers by patients and patient advocates
- Psychosocial interventions in the emergency centre setting for preventing reinjury due to interpersonal violence
- 4.2.6 Interventions that cover the whole spectrum of injury mechanisms (1)
- 5. Promoting a healthy lifestyle at the workplace (19)
- 5.0 Increasing physical activity (4)
- Workplace pedometer interventions for increasing physical activity
- Workplace interventions for reducing sitting at work
- Workplace interventions for increasing standing or walking for decreasing musculoskeletal symptoms in sedentary workers
- Workplace interventions for increasing standing or walking for preventing musculoskeletal symptoms in sedentary workers
- 5.1 Enhancing weight loss (1)
- 5.2 Smoking cessation (4)
- 5.3 Decreasing alcohol and drugs intake (2)
- 5.4 Improving diet (0)
- 5.5 Other health promotion measures (8)
- Human resource management training of supervisors for improving health and well-being of employees
- Flexible working conditions and their effects on employee health and wellbeing
- Interventions for improving recovery from work
- Interventions in the workplace to support breastfeeding for women in employment
- Travel plans in organisations (schools, tertiary education institutions and workplaces) for improving health
- Work-break schedules for preventing musculoskeletal symptoms and disorders in healthy workers
- Workplace interventions can reduce risky sexual behaviours among workers.
- Workplace lighting for improving alertness and mood in daytime workers
- 5.0 Increasing physical activity (4)
- 1.1 Decreasing or eliminating harmful exposure to prevent occupational disease (25)