Non-Cochrane Reviews

These are projects that are beyond the requirements set by Cochrane but still within the scope of evidence synthesis and its methods, which is our  interest. In addition to the effectiveness of interventions, we are also interested in aetiology, prognosis and methods development.


1. Review of the relationship between night shift work and incidence of breast cancer in women

2. Review of interventions to prevent heavy lifting during pregnancy for preventing preterm birth

3. Overview of the practice of including non-randomized studies in Cochrane systematic reviews

4. Review of prognostic factors of occupational noise induced hearing loss- review submitted (protocol available here)

5. Occupational safety and health interventions to protect young workers from hazardous work – A scoping review

1. Review of occupational exposure to manganese and the potential health effects of such exposure (protocol available here)


We are happy to undertake commissioned projects on evidence synthesis in any areas of occupational health and safety.