How can I learn more about how to do a Cochrane Work review?
Please visit Cochrane Training if you want to know more about how to conduct a Cochrane systematic review.
How to get hands-on support?
We will support all authors via e-mail, skype, phone and whatever means available.
Where can I find information on registering a Cochrane title?
You can find the information now on the Cochrane Central website, click on "Editorial Manager" to put forward a title proposal: https://www.cochranelibrary.com/about/author-information
You will need to have a Cochrane user account to put forward a "Cochrane Proposal". Although the process will be managed by Cochrane Central, our editorial team should be consulted as part of the process to assess the priority of the topic you propose.
Can't find what you are looking for?
If you need any additional information please get in touch with CochraneWork[at]amsterdamumc.nl