Editorial process

Every title, protocol and review will be subjected to a thorough peer review with Cochrane.

Assessors are likely to include the following:
- Coordinating Editor
- Managing Editor
- a Methods Editor
- a Statistical Editor (where needed)
- an external topic expert peer referee (at protocol and review stages), 
- A Consumer Editor

Time within which authors can expect feedback:
The time at which authors can hear back from Cochrane can vary dependant on the workload. However, Cochrane is working hard on as efficient a process as possible. If your protocol or review is approved for review by Methods and peer review, then it is likely it will take around two to three months before it is returned to you. Checking after four weeks after submission would be a reasonable time to check progress.

Cochrane Work capacity:
Cochrane Work no longer manages the Editorial process, but, depending on our capacity, we can support and review work before submitting back to Cochrane. Our funding is very limited currently though, so this is more limited than it has been in the past.